The Most Requested Live and Virtual Experiences
Leadership To Change The World
Are leaders born or made? Only 10% of people end up in leadership roles, yet, we are all leaders. Request this session to learn what makes an individual a great leader and how to build a global mindset prepared to take on any challenge. This session is also amazing for team building and understanding how to best work together to achieve common goals.
Matching Passion With Purpose
Only 20% of employees feel they can be their best self at work. Is it because of the work or is it because you aren’t matching passion with purpose? Request this session to learn why so many people become stuck in a role and unfulfilled. Learn the questions you need to ask yourself daily to lead you in the direction of your passions and ultimately find your purpose.
Breaking Barriers When Everyone Tells You No!
“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business man” said Jay Z. Your daily actions are determining the business you’re becoming. Request this session to learn the branding essentials and build the mental fortitude so you can break any barrier that gets in your way and turn no into yes!
How To Fight Your Flesh: Discipline > Motivation
Have you ever set a goal and didn’t see it through? Do you ever have trouble staying on schedule or even waking up on time? The good news is we all deal with these challenges as our flesh loves to keep us content. Request this session so we can understand the science behind fighting our flesh and develop strategies that can be implemented to build discipline to achieve more than your goals when you just don’t feel like it.
King Me
Every day you wake up is an opportunity for you to unlock the inner King inside you. However, when you unlock that King, what comes out? Request this session to learn what it means to be a King and take a deep dive into understanding and developing your inner workings to change the world. This session will create accountability, focus on tough conversations, and intends to take you through a transformative journey. Only request this session if you’re ready to be open, honest, and want change.
Uncovering The Unicorn: Work-Life Balance
The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime, 1/3 of your life. The average person also spends 1/3 of their life sleeping. 2/3 of your entire life will be spent working and sleeping, which leaves the last 1/3 for you and what you would like to do with it. Request this session to learn how to uncover the unicorn: work-life balance so you don’t wake up one day and wonder where the time went. Learn strategies and tips on how to maximize your time and fill each day with things that give you energy, zest, and gusto.
Black Gentlemen's Guide
Who are you working to become? Are you waiting to reach a certain point to become the man you want to be? The question should be why wait. Black Gentlemen’s Guide is a session dedicated to analyzing the makeup of what makes a gentleman and gives attendees the how to and direction to put their lives on the right path. Request this session and select what topics you want to discuss in-depth to uncover the gentlemen inside you. Topics include: Spirituality, Empowerment, Branding, Fashion, Health and Wellness, Relationships, and Finance.